Omkarananda Kamakshi Devi Mandir

Omkarananda Bhajan Mandali
in Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir
on 2nd January 2007

A singing start into the New Year by our Omkarananda Bhajan Mandali group gave on the 2nd day of the New Year a wonderful atmosphere. The children were beautifully dressed in the typical traditional Indian style wearing a red and white Saree and their hair was specially made to be close to the real life of the Devis of the ancient times.

The Bhajan Mandali group, which is headed by Kumari Somashekhari, is trained in singing purely spiritual Songs, Bhajans. The beauty in this is the fact that the young children already get into the world of singing divine songs and chanting Mantras and the holy words of the religious scriptures.

Somashekhari and her students are singing Bhajans, 
accompanied by our temple priests

After the assembled devotees had enjoyed many songs for the Deities, Shri Swami Narasimhuluji rewarded each of the singers for their wonderful and joyous performance. The Devis must have definitely felt satisfied seeing these beautiful children singing in full devotion their praise to the Divinity.